Edibles: How Long Does It Take for Them to Take Effect?


Edibles are a popular and convenient way to consume cannabis. They come in various forms, including gummies, chocolate bars, brownies, and beverages. Unlike smoking or vaping, edibles take longer to take effect, and many people wonder how long they kick in. 

In this article, we’ll explore the factors that affect the onset time of cannabis edibles, how long they typically take to take effect, and some tips for consuming edibles safely.

Factors That Affect Onset Time

The onset time of edibles can vary widely, depending on several factors. Some of the most important factors to consider include:

  • Dosage: The amount of THC in the edible will significantly impact how long it takes to take effect. Generally, the higher the dosage, the longer it will take to feel the effects.
  • Metabolism: Everyone’s metabolism differs, affecting how quickly the body processes and absorbs THC. Individuals with faster metabolisms may feel the effects of edibles sooner than those with slower metabolisms.
  • Body fat: THC is fat-soluble, meaning that it is absorbed and stored in fat cells in the body. Individuals with more body fat may take longer to feel the effects of edibles than those with less.
  • Tolerance: Regular cannabis users may have built up a tolerance to THC, affecting how long it takes them to feel the effects of edibles.
  • Empty stomach: Consuming edibles on an empty stomach may result in a faster onset time, as the THC can be absorbed more quickly.

How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick In?

While onset time can vary widely, the effects of edibles typically last longer than other consumption methods, such as smoking or vaping. On average, it takes 30 minutes to 2 hours for edibles to take effect, but it can take up to 4 hours in some cases. 

This is because the liver must metabolize the THC in edibles before it can enter the bloodstream and reach the brain. This process can take longer than inhalation methods, which allow THC to enter the bloodstream more quickly.

It’s important to note that the onset time of edibles can be unpredictable, and the effects can last several hours. Some people may feel the effects sooner or later than others, depending on their factors. It’s also essential to start with a low dose and wait at least an hour before consuming more, as the effects can be cumulative.

Tips for Consuming Edibles Safely

Consuming edibles safely requires some basic knowledge and common sense. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Start with a low dose: It’s easy to overdo it with edibles, primarily if you’re used to smoking or vaping. Start with a low dose (5 mg or less) and wait at least an hour before consuming more. Remember that the effects can be cumulative, so starting slowly and working your way up is better.
  • Be patient: As we’ve discussed, edibles take longer to take effect than other consumption methods. It’s essential to be patient and wait for the effects to kick in before consuming more. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that the edible isn’t working and consuming too quickly.
  • Don’t mix with alcohol: Mixing edibles with alcohol can increase the risk of adverse effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and impaired judgment. It’s best to avoid alcohol altogether when consuming edibles.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets: Edibles can look and taste like regular food, so keeping them out of reach is essential. Store them in a secure location where they cannot be accidentally consumed.
  • Know your source: When purchasing edibles, it’s essential to know the source and ensure they are made with high-quality, safe ingredients. Look for products that have been lab-tested and come from a reputable source.


The onset time of edibles can vary widely depending on several factors, including dosage, metabolism, body fat, tolerance, and whether consumed on an empty stomach. 

Although cannabis edibles can provide various benefits, it is essential to note that they can also be associated with certain risks, such as the delayed onset of effects and the potential for overconsumption. By following some essential safety tips, you can enjoy the benefits of edibles safely and responsibly.

If you’re looking for high-quality cannabis edibles in Billings, Montana, 406 Essence is the dispensary for you. We offer wholesale and distribution services and a wide selection of cannabis products for therapeutic, medical, and adult-use markets, all in a safe and legal environment. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you find the right product for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services! 
